Parent/Guardian Attendance:
I understand this is not a drop off event, and I will ensure an adult stays with and supervises my child/ren throughout the entire event.
General Liability:
I certify that I am the Participant or the Parent/Guardian of the below-named Participant and I am fully competent to sign this agreement. I do hereby acknowledge and understand that participation is purely and entirely voluntary. I will assume the risk associated therewith, whether known or unknown to me at this time with regards to participation in any and all activities in any way related to the Youth Code Jam event and/or program. I understand that Youth Code Jam may use synchronous and asynchronous video platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams to conduct lessons remotely.
By signing this agreement, you understand and acknowledge that you agree to release and indemnify Youth Code Jam and its staff, volunteers and sponsors from any claim whatsoever in the implementation of this platform. You or your child’s image, likeness, or voice may be recorded while he or she is participating in distance learning, and you expressly consent to such recording and release Youth Code Jam unconditionally in its use of such images. I certify that there is no medical reason why I or my child should not participate in the Youth Code Jam event and/or program. I further agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Youth Code Jam and its employees, directors, agents, volunteers, sponsors, and event collaborators/partners from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, injuries (including death), or damages, including court costs and attorney’s fees and expenses, which may occur to myself, my child/Participant, other participants and third-persons as a result of my/my child/Participant’s participation in the event or program, including through distance learning opportunities. I agree I am financially responsible for losses resulting from my/my child’s/Participant’s actions. This release is also intended to include all claims of my family, estate, heirs, personal representatives or assigns. I understand that Youth Code Jam will rely on this grant, and I fully intend it to have legal effect.
Medical Emergency Consent:
I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by Youth Code Jam to secure and administer treatment and to maintain and/or release any medical records necessary for insurance purposes as outlined under the HIPAA regulation, and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for the above named person(s) should an emergency occur at this event. I verify that the Participant named above is in good health and capable of participating in a computer programming event and, when necessary, will tailor his/her activities to those within the bounds of his/her physical health. I recognize that any medical treatment that is provided to me or the Participant while attending Youth Code Jam will be paid for by my medical insurance company, and I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment. I am aware that Youth Code Jam does not provide health insurance for me and that I should carry my own health insurance.
I certify that I am the Participant or the Parent/Guardian of the below-named Participant and I am fully competent to sign this agreement. I hereby grant permission to use, reproduce and/or distribute photographs, films, video and sound recordings of me or my child without compensation or approval, for use in materials created for purposes of promoting the activities of Youth Code Jam and its sponsors and partners in relation to this program, including on the Internet, for an unlimited number of times for an unlimited period of time.
I also understand that, for public events, news media may be onsite. I further understand that digital learning opportunities may be recorded. Youth Code Jam is unable to guarantee that I or my child would not be included in any news stories, photos or social media postings. Should I not wish to be interviewed, photographed or videotaped by the media, it is my responsibility to notify the news crew or move out of the photograph/video shoot during in person events and to disable my camera during online digital learning programs.
Virtual Code of Conduct:
I certify that I am the Participant or the Parent/Guardian of the below-named Participant and I am fully competent to sign this agreement. I understand that when I or my child participate in online meetings or video chat, we must behave appropriately with words, actions, chats and any other information we choose to say or share during the online meeting. I understand that inappropriate or unsafe behavior or infractions of local, state or national laws or ordinances will jeopardize my and/or my child’s participation in the online meeting and may result in dismissal.
REGISTRATION: By registering for the Event and using or attempting to use the Site, you certify that (i) you are a resident of the United States and are at least 13 years of age or, if under the age of 13, your parent has consented to your participation in the Event and use of the Site via our consent mechanism as provided to your parent, or (ii) you are not a resident of the United States and are at least 18 years of age or, if under the age of 18, you have the consent of your parent or guardian (over the age of 18) to participate in the Event and use the Site. You also certify that you are not a person barred from participating under the laws of the United States or other applicable jurisdiction. If you do not meet these requirements or, if for any reason, you do not agree with all of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use, you must stop using the Site immediately and notify us by emailing to have yourself/your child removed as a participant. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and usage of your registration. You shall not (i) select or use as your registration a name of another person with the intent to impersonate that person; (ii) use as your registration a name subject to any rights of a person other than you without appropriate authorization; or (iii) use as your registration a name that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene. We are not liable for any harm caused or related to the theft or misappropriation of your username or password due to your failure to take reasonable securing measures. We hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to access and use the Site and Services solely for your personal, non-commercial use, and to search for, view, register for, and interact with the Event listed on the Site, provided that you comply with these Terms of Use, and solely to the extent permitted under all applicable laws and regulations.